Product Description
Allium sativum
Garlic is one of the few herbs that are universally recognised and used. It has been used as a medicine and tonic food for thousands of years by many different cultures/people including – ancient Egyptians and Romans; Chinese medicine; Ayurvedic medicine; and the Cherokee and Choco peoples. During the Great Plague of London garlic was the primary remedy for protection and cure, fetching more in price than gold. During WWII it was known as Russian Penicillin and was used to prevent septic poisoning and gangrene. It is the most widely known and used herb in the horse world.
ACTIONS include: anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parastic, anti-histamine (anti-allergy), anti-coagulant, expectorant (encouraging passage of mucus up the bronchials), vasodilatory.
DRUG INTERACTIONS: Garlic could potentiate the blood-thinning effects/side-effects of some drugs/supplements, consult your vet/herbalist before simultaneous use.
PLEASE NOTE: Beware the tendency to think that “a little is good, a lot will be better” – garlic in excess can irritate the gut and/or cause Heinz-body anaemia*. Keep to recommended dosages. Do not use garlic if a horse has been scouring chronically, and use caution if you are feeding garlic to nursing mares as it may flavour/taint the milk and upset the foal’s digestive system.